One of the best ways to ensure that it is up to snuff is by using a resume sample. When you’re ready to get to work on creating a sharp, powerful resume, our insurance adjuster resume sample is the perfect resource. You can learn the right skills and work experience to include, as well as the professional language and format you should use. With the help of our detailed guide and your diligence, you can build a powerful resume that will wow hiring managers and prove your unique qualifications to your prospective employer.
Experienced insurance adjuster with 10 years in insurance, seven as an adjuster. Dedicated, organized worker with a keen eye for detail. Talented investigator with passion and commitment to accuracy.
One of the most common mistakes jobseekers make is approaching the work experience section of their resume as a comprehensive career history. Instead, approach the work experience section as a list of experiences that directly relate to your ability to perform the tasks of your desired position. Notice how our resume writer included her time as an insurance producer but omitted her time as a call center agent.
Few industries have lingo as confusing as insurance. For the uninitiated, even the most basic of conversations regarding insurance can sound like a completely different language. Hiring managers will have a level of understanding of the industry, but an insurance adjuster is infinitely more informed. Keep the language in your resume simple and easy to read, and refer to our resume writer’s work experience section for an example.
Soft skills are difficult to communicate, but they go a long way toward impressing hiring managers. Our resume writer included an accomplishment during her time as a State Farm adjuster that states“improved personal claim resolution by 14% each year.” Hiring managers will easily be able to deduce that our resume writer is competitive with herself, an especially vital skill for an adjuster, who needs to act and make decisions independently in the field.
The insurance industry can be competitive, and employers want people who will bring that spirit to their work. One of the best ways to communicate your unique eligibility for the position is by sharing your previous achievements. It’s important that hiring managers understand you’re a dedicated worker. Our resume writer noted receiving a company excellence award in her most recent job for completing the most cases in a single month. This is not only directly relevant to the position she’s seeking but is a surefire way to impress hiring managers as well.
You’ll note the absence of references in this resume sample. In today’s job market, nine out of 10 hiring managers will assume you have references and simply ask you for them rather than search for them on your resume. In many cases, you may even appear presumptuous by including them.