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Create an attention-grabbing resume with our extensive collection of education and training resume templates. No matter where you want to go in the field of public education, corporate training, adult basic education, or higher learning, we've got a real-life resume template to help you land an interview.


Free Education and Training Resume Templates for Industry Professionals

Check out these templates and real-life examples of education and training resumes.

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Writing a strong resume is the best way to get noticed by a recruiter or hiring manager. As you create your job application documents, it's important to customize your resume to the specific job you want. This page and its education and training resume templates will help you figure out what skills and experience you need in this field. They will also help you decide which of your skills you should include on your resume.

Experts predict that the field of education and training will grow by nearly 900,000 jobs by the year 2026. It's a good field to be in, but to stand up to the competition you need a stellar resume.

These templates are from real professionals in the education and training industry and based on real job titles. We have examples of resumes for school teachers at all levels, counselors, vocational instructors, life coaches, and more. No matter where you fit in the world of education and training, whether you want to teach children or adults in formal or informal settings, the information and examples here can help you write the perfect resume.

GED Resume Template

To get hired as a GED teacher, show that you have the knowledge, experience, and personal touch that it takes. You'll be working with adults of various backgrounds, so you need to know about people and understand where they come from. If you have previous experience teaching adults, list that on your resume. Review our education and training resume templates to learn how to write about your previous experience in a way that shows what you can do. Don't forget to list your communication skills. Try listening, adapting your approach to your audience, and getting along well with people who are different from you to start the list.

Life Coach Resume Template

Your life coach resume should focus on strengths such as interacting with others, recognizing people's qualities, and being goal-oriented. You should also know how to design class materials, teach people, and find out how much each person has learned. Some life coach jobs may require you to be good with computers. You may have to file reports, keep good records, and work well as part of a team. You also have to be able to make decisions on your own. Resumes for life coaches should be well-organized and focused. Our education and training resume templates show you how your finished product should look.

Vocational Training Resume Template

To be a vocational trainer, you need to know the ins and outs of the skills you're teaching. If you teach online or by correspondence, you need good written communication skills and computer skills. You must know how to teach, as well as how to assess your students' progress. You also have to be good at coaching, so you can help students improve when they've gotten something wrong or misunderstood directions. If you teach in-person classes, you have to know how to supervise people using tools. The tools you use may change depending on whether you teach children or adults.

Middle School Resume Template

Middle school teachers, counselors, and librarians have important jobs. They help young people gain the knowledge they need to succeed as adults. This field will probably grow by about 8% between 2016 and 2026. Make sure your resume mentions your degree and your teaching credential if you need one. You should also emphasize how much you love working with children of this age and all your previous teaching experience. It's always a good idea to have a portfolio when applying for a teaching job, so have that ready before your interview. Include special projects, awards, and letters of recommendation.

Career Counselor Resume Template

The field of career counseling is growing faster than average. If you're looking for a job as a counselor, make sure to tailor your resume to the job you want. If you want to work for a private company, a public school, a college, or a university, list skills that will help you succeed in that setting. You will need to know a lot about sociology, administration, and careers. You also have to be a people person and be able to get people to open up to you about what they want to do with their lives.

There are many job openings in the field of education and training beyond the examples offered above. Browse our other education and training resume templates from real-world professionals. You'll get a feel for what other job opportunities are out there and how to write an attention-grabbing resume.

  • At the Federal Student Aid website, you can search an extensive list of education-related careers to see what qualifications and skills you need. You'll also see typical salaries for each occupation.

  • O*Net Online

    breaks down different occupations into tasks, responsibilities, skills, required education, and so on. The searchable database has lots of options in every field.

    Bureau of Labor Statistics'

    comprehensive list of education, training, and library occupations tells you about average salaries for various jobs. It also predicts job growth 10 years at a time.