The following resume sample shows exactly what a strong resume looks like. The goal is to hook the reader immediately and guide them through the document. As you read it, think carefully about how the sample accomplishes this. There is also an accompanying writing guide with tips to help you understand the techniques the resume sample employs. After reading this guide, you should have a better grasp of what it takes to create your own stand-out resume.
Talented and professional medical assistant with more than 10 years experience working in the healthcare field. Fully capable of interacting with patients, explaining complicated concepts, and fulfilling healthcare fundamental responsibilities. A candidate who prioritizes strong communication skills in all aspects of healthcare to avoid mistakes and comfort worried patients.
Nursing Certificate Candidate
Atlanta School of Nursing, 2018
The last bullet point under each of the positions in the work history section is a specific metric used to further explain the candidate’s capabilities. This is an excellent strategy to strengthen your resume, add credibility, and help readers understand what you have to offer. The metrics in the resume sample focus around efficiency and interacting with patients. Think carefully about what qualities would be beneficial to demonstrate.
It does, and so should your resume. The medical assistant resume sample mentions standard healthcare skills in every section, including the summary, skills section, and work experience section. This is the most important kind of skill for establishing your qualifications, so it is a good idea to focus your entire resume around this concept.
It is. This resume sample has three previous working experiences in the field of healthcare. Additionally, its education section includes the standard training for this kind of work. This is more than enough to qualify for a typical medical assistant position. If you do not have quite as much experience, do not worry. It is still possible to establish your qualifications, but it may be a good idea to include a few more bullet points for each position if you have fewer previous relevant jobs.
This resume sample’s work history section actually follows the standard format exactly. You should pay careful attention and implement the same formatting in your own resume. The jobs are in reverse chronological order, beginning with the most recent. Every position is in past tense except for the one that is currently held. Each bullet point uses a strong action verb as its first word to focus on active responsibilities. It is best to have about five to eight bullet points per position, but you can opt to include more or fewer depending on how important the position is.
The tone of your resume is a subtle element, but one that is important, especially in the healthcare field, where patients and doctors alike will expect you to be sure of your knowledge and ability. This medical assistant resume sample demonstrates what a confident resume looks like. It makes its claims without hesitation and strongly implies the candidate is capable and talented.