One of the most surefire ways to ensure a well-written resume is to use a resume sample like the maintenance supervisor resume sample shown here. You should refer to this example when creating your resume so that you do not make mistakes or leave out anything important. Using this resume sample and writing tips can help increase the quality of your own resume to improve your chances of getting a job offer.
Skilled maintenance supervisor with nine years of experience supervising construction equipment maintenance workers. Thorough leader providing management to large teams of mechanics to quickly and safely repair any mechanical problems in equipment. Knowledgeable overseer accustomed to working with suppliers and negotiating repair parts to minimize costs.
As you can see, our applicant has very industry-specific work experiences, which demonstrate her ability to work with construction equipment. She has shown her knowledge of equipment maintenance through both managing mechanics of that equipment and also being a maintenance worker herself early in her career. Her qualifications are present right off the bat in her summary statement and then in her skills section, and the work experience section fully expounds upon them.
In the maintenance supervisor resume sample, the jobseeker demonstrates how she has consistently taken on increasing responsibility and done so while still positively contributing to the company. She began in a non-supervisory position, then led a small team of workers, then more than doubled the number of employees she oversaw in her following position. She has shown her ability to take on more responsibility and more employees as time goes on.
The first thing the hiring manager or employer sees is the candidate’s summary statement, which concisely and clearly demonstrates who she is as an employee. Right out of the gates she states her position and how much experience she has in that position. She continues by detailing her responsibilities as a maintenance supervisor, which lets the reader know what to expect when hiring her.
This resume is stellar not only because of the candidate’s qualifications but also in the way that she presents them. You do not want to overwhelm readers with excessive information, but you also do not want to make them feel as if they are missing out on key data. Our candidate strikes this balance by being brief but thorough while smoothly transitioning from one section to the next.
Companies depend on maintenance workers, so they want clear evidence of a candidate’s skills. Our applicant makes her worth known by including metrics, or quantifiable figures, in her work experience section. Figures like “13%” and “12 large pieces of equipment” clearly demonstrate to the reader how much exactly this jobseeker could contribute to the company.