Most jobseekers struggle with this part of the job searching process because they’re not experts in marketing their skills and talents. It’s recommended to try looking at lots of example resumes to help you generate some ideas for your own use. This way, you can see how others have managed to present themselves as capable candidates. In the next section, you can see a school nurse resume sample and writing guide to give you some inspiration.
Determined and reliable school nurse with 12 years of experience in various educational settings. Capable of working with a team of educators and administrators and providing top professional support. Highly effective working with students and managing several different medical needs.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing – 2003
University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, Massachusetts
Even after a quick glance at this resume, the reader sees how professional and organized the details are; this writer understands the value of including only the most important details. The resume is about one page, which makes it a good length for hiring managers without a lot of time. The candidate lists all the essential details in bullets and keeps sentences short and concise.
This candidate has plenty of experience and knowledge that show her understanding of clinical nursing work. She writes about her “extensive pharmacology knowledge” and her ability to assess student conditions and provide treatments when necessary. She also recognizes the importance of emotional and mental well being in her previous experiences as a school nurse.
The candidate includes her ability to work together with students on her list of skills. She was also responsible for delivering medication “to more than 70 students” in one school and managing health plans for a large caseload in another. The candidate explains her ability to be highly effective when working with students in her summary statement.
Yes. This candidate’s experiences go beyond the typical clinical duties of a nurse at a healthcare facility. The writer has planned, organized, and put together various initiatives to help improve each school’s health outcomes. In one school, she helped improve attendance with a flu vaccination program. In another job, the writer helped lower the rate of illness with a prevention program.
Of course. This resume gives information about the candidate’s experience working with other professionals to help meet student health needs. In some cases, she had to make a referral to help students get access to medicine or other resources outside of school. In other situations, she helped teachers understand the unique health needs of their students. She provided training workshops for school staff dealing with health emergencies and referred students who needed more assistance beyond the nurse’s room.