Perhaps you’re feeling the pressure to produce an excellent resume and don’t know exactly how to begin. Using an example to work from, such as our sales associate resume sample, is an easy first step to get you going in the right direction. You can also compare your resume to the sample to determine how yours stacks up in terms of best practices.
It’s also good to know that you don’t have to be a professional writer to craft a resume that sets you up for success. Follow our writing tips to ensure that your resume makes the grade, even if writing isn’t your strong suit.
Friendly and professional sales associate with a passion for connecting customers to the right products and services. Dedicated and determined about setting strong sales targets and meeting them on a consistent basis. Excellent communicator with a knack for building lasting customer relationships.
Definitely! In the sales associate resume sample, the jobseeker lists in various places how she has assisted customers in selling products in a variety of settings. For example, she describes how she has demonstrated products and accessories and helped customers find products they were looking for, as well as other skills that a hiring manager will be looking for in a sales associate.
Yes. You can see how the candidate arranged and formatted the resume to make it clear and precise, using bullet points to emphasize her most important skill sets and past experiences. In describing work history, the sales associate resume sample gives a strong action verb to lead off each bullet point, so the resume is inviting and dynamic.
Absolutely! Personality traits, also known as soft skills, are an important addition to your sales associate resume. Showing these skills gives a hiring manager an idea of how you interact with clients in a variety of sales settings. The jobseeker in the sales associate resume sample lists traits such as “outgoing and customer-service oriented,” which are important factors in a sales position.
Yes. In each of her previous work experiences, the jobseeker lists an accomplishment that made her an asset to the employer. In addition, she uses accomplishments that have metrics, or measurable results, which further strengthens her credibility. An example of this is “received 95% satisfaction rate on customer feedback surveys.” This shows how the jobseeker performed successfully in her past sales role.
It sure does! The sales associate resume sample has a brief section at the end of the resume for listing educational credentials and degrees. The jobseeker here has listed her college degree in liberal studies, which provides a broad general background in college-level coursework. While not all sales associate positions require college degrees, listing any higher education or certifications can help you get an edge on the competition.