Many people seek out massages to relax a little or comply with a physical therapy regimen. As a result, reports suggest great growth for the number of massage therapists in the United States over the next decade.
Although there will be numerous job openings in the near future, there will also be a lot of competition. Massage therapists will compete for limited jobs in the same area. As a result, you need to show hiring managers why they should bring you onto the team, and you can get an idea of how to format your application by examining our massage therapy resume templates.
Browse templates and job-specific examples of professional beauty and spa resumes.
Many states require massage therapists to have licenses to work. However, you also need to show you have the skills and real-world experience to benefit a business and its clients. Our massage therapy resume templates have plenty of examples of solid professional info to include. No matter what you put on your application, make sure you use compelling action words at the beginning of each statement and mimic the language found in the specific job listing.
• Provide treatment for injuries and medical conditions by massaging and kneading muscles and soft tissues
• Advise clients on what techniques and stretches they should do on their own at home
• Contact other healthcare professionals, such as psychologists and chiropractors, to create treatment plans
• Apply hand and finger pressure to precise points on the body
• Travel to clients’ houses who are unable to visit the office and use the opportunity to discuss how treatment has gone
Reading our massage therapy resume templates will provide you with a great starting point. However, there is always more to learn when it comes to efficiently selling yourself. Here are other techniques to implement to have greater success on your job hunt.
The resume you have now should serve as a foundation. You should customize it for each job you apply for so that it includes specific information that hiring managers want to see.
If your resume does not catch hiring managers’ attention right away, then they will likely throw it away immediately. Since the summary statement comes first, make sure it contains your greatest skills.
You should include specific accomplishments and quantifiable details about your previous jobs when possible. Definitively stating how you made a difference in previous positions will make you come across better to prospective employers.