Many ambitious and competent jobseekers are looking to enter the biology field. To get a position in the research specialty that interests you most, you probably need to present a resume to a manager. Taking the time to craft a compelling document and sharpen your writing skills can increase your chances of getting an interview offer.

Our biological scientist resume templates are an effective way to create a resume in minutes. Simply fill in your information step-by-step to complete each section of the document – summary statement, skills, work history, and education. You can also access writing tips straight from the experts to sharpen your content.


Free Science Resume Templates for Industry Professionals

Browse templates and job-specific examples of professional science resumes.


Most managers spend between five and seven seconds looking at a resume before deciding if the candidate merits a callback. Thus, your credentials need to jump off the page to make a strong impression. Strive to make your sentences concise and clear. Avoid repetition, but be as specific as possible. Begin each sentence with an action verb and use several keywords from the job description. For example, a biological scientist working in a hospital might include the following in his or her document:

• Plan research experiments on living organisms, such as mice, to understand human functioning
• Compile and analyze data for presentations and publications
• Collaborate with senior scientists on projects, and train lab technicians and students
• Organize the lab and re-stock supplies if necessary
• Write grants for government and educational funding

Familiarizing yourself with writing guidelines is the best approach for success. Our biological scientist resume templates can help you rise above the other applicants.

A biological scientist resume has to look conservative and not too cluttered. Biological scientist resume templates have pre-formatted spacing and margins to save you time. In addition, following these tips can assist you in customizing your document to make it desirable to managers:

1. Personalize Your Biological Scientist Resume: Examine the job description to identify the skills and experiences that are most crucial to a position. Use these keywords word-for-word in your resume along with other abilities that are relevant.
2. Write a Powerful Summary Statement: Many recruiters often look to the summary statement first. It is usually located near the top of your document and should be between three and five sentences. Think of it as a sales pitch for why you deserve a position.
3. Use Specific Examples and Experiences: Managers appreciate metrics and details. Bring attention to your stellar performance at past positions. Mention sale stats, promotions, awards, and leadership accomplishments.
